Ask The Charlotte Home Inspector

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New and old Methods Help Buyers with Property Acquisitions

March 16th, 2013 · No Comments

With the development of iPads and mobile apps, housebuyers come with new approaches at their convenience to aid them in searching for their dream home. Estate agents in Atlanta, GA also consider the current technology useful in addition to the services they provide to their buyers. In past times, real estate agents had limited choices […]


Tags: Unusual Findings

Questions Commonly Asked About Home Inspection

June 10th, 2012 · No Comments

There are a lot of home buyers who are not really certain whether to carry out home inspection or not. Some buyers are not even so certain about what benefits will they gain from doing it. Continue reading this article as this may answer some of your questions. Is it really important to perform home […]


Tags: Unusual Findings

Screens in the Attic

March 10th, 2008 · No Comments

Have you ever had bats, squirrels, or other rodents in your attic? This is probably the result of not having screens or not having adequate screen coverage. Often flood lights attract bugs which attract bats. If these bats get in your attic they poop. The poop can carry disease and parasites. You have to get […]


Tags: Home Maintenance · Preparing Your Home for the Inspection · Selling Your Home

Local Real Estate Agent Markets Outside The Box

March 10th, 2008 · No Comments

We all know the real estate market is a little depressed right now. Heck the news media will not let us forget it. Which one is causing which? Ever notice that in history many recessions corrospond with election years? Check it yourself, I am not kidding. Is it because of uncertainity about the future or […]


Tags: Charlotte Area Housing Market · Charlotte Neighborhoods · Selling Your Home · Welcome To Charlotte NC